Ransomware Readiness

Ransomware Readiness

Ransomware readiness refers to an organization’s ability to prevent, detect, and respond to ransomware attacks. This includes having effective security measures in place to prevent ransomware attacks, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems. It also includes having procedures in place for detecting and responding to ransomware attacks, such as incident response plans and backup and recovery procedures.

Ransomware Readiness Audit

A ransomware readiness audit is an assessment designed to identify any opportunities for encrypting malware to infect an organization’s technologies and demand a ransom. Prologix ransomware testing services provide a real-world perspective of cyber risks that would enable ransomware to successfully encrypt your systems and lead to an incident.
At Prologix we follow NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 and here we have used several tools from identify to Recover all the Steps to Protect our Customers, Audit them and enable them to fight this adversary. Ransomware attacks have grown exponentially in last couple of years and it is very Vital for companies to be Ready for this New Adversary.
We at Prologix have partnered with Ransomware Protection as a Service ( RPaaS) with Industry Leading Companies and are implementation partner with them.
Contact us for Audit and Protection against this Adversary, We will provide comprehensive security approach and Right Fit solution for your Enterprise.

learn more about our cybersecurity services and schedule a free consultation.

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